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RISC OS London Show

Saturday 26th October 2024



Currently confirmed exhibitors are below. More are being added regularly so check back for updates!

Contact us if you are interested in taking a stand at this year's show.

  1. AMCOG Games
    Tony Bartram will no doubt be releasing a new game at the show, as well as selling physical copies of his extensive back catalogue. He will also be demonstrating his Software Development Kit and the RDSP sound synthesiser, and encouraging new RISC OS developers.

  2. Chris Hall
    Chris will be selling his family tree generator program FamTree, and showing his other programs.

  3. Drag 'n Drop
    Chris Dewhurst with the latest issue of the PDF based magazine and bundles of the past issues. Also check out his range of books, CDs, and books on CD!

  4. Elesar Ltd
    Rob Sprowson with his growing collection of software, including CloudFS, FontDirectoryPro, Prophet, and TextEase.

  5. Midland User Group
    The Midland User Group (MUG) will be on hand to help answer questions about the group.

  6. Orpheus Internet
    The RISC OS friendly ISP will be on hand to talk about internet services and data centres.

  7. R-Comp
    R-Comp will be selling their range of native ARM based RISC OS desktop systems plus the Pinebook Pro laptop. Plus they will have their RISCube and RISCbook family of VirtualRPC computers. There will also be the latest updates to their extensive software collection.

  8. RISC OS Bits
    RISCOSbits will be selling their very wide range or amusingly named RISC OS systems.

  9. RISC OS Developments Ltd
    The crowd-sourcing organisation helping to fund developments of RISC OS and its applications will be on hand to report on progress, answer questions, and hopefully sign you up.

  10. RISC OS Open Ltd
    RISC OS Open Ltd continue to maintain the open source RISC OS. ROOL will be demoing latest developments, talking about future plans and showing off their updated documentation.

  11. ROUGOL
    The RISC OS User Group Of London, the show organisers, will be on hand to try to tempt you to its upcoming meetings and talk about RISC OS in London in general.

  12. RPCEmu
    The RPCEmu developers, Matthew and Peter Howkins, will be demonstrating the latest version of the cross platform Risc PC emulator and answering questions about their future plans.

  13. Soft Rock Software
    Vince Hudd will have the latest edition of the Soft Rock Software Collection on sale. Featuring all of the RISC OS applications, games, and utilities currently available from the Soft Rock Software website, plus bonus extras!